7 Noun 0 Verb 0 Adj. 0 Adv.
ENCultural RevolutionNoun
A radical reform in China initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 and carried out largely by the Red Guard; intended to eliminate counterrevolutionary elements in the government it resulted in purges of the intellectuals and socioeconomic chaos
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
bn:00024367n Concept
The Communist Party of Burma, also known as the Burma Communist Party, is a clandestine communist party in Myanmar.
Communist Party of Burma
bn:01986889n Named Entity
The July Theses is a name commonly given to a speech delivered by Romanian leader Nicolae Ceaușescu on July 6, 1971, before the Executive Committee of the Romanian Communist Party.
July Theses
bn:00157458n Named Entity
The cultural revolution was a set of activities carried out in Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union, aimed at a radical restructuring of the cultural and ideological life of society.
Cultural Revolution in the Soviet Union
bn:15242470n Concept
The Cultural and Ideological Revolution or Cultural Revolution was a period of political and social change in the People's Socialist Republic of Albania, launched by Enver Hoxha, the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania at the time.
Cultural and Ideological Revolution
bn:23918733n Named Entity
The Cultural Revolution in Libya was a period of political and social change in Libya.
Cultural Revolution in Libya
bn:14915828n Named Entity
Kultur Iraultza Proletario Handia Mao Tse-tung presidenteak Txinako Herri Errepublikan 1966-1969 urte bitartean zuzendutako masa-kanpaina bat izan zen.
bn:08798095n Named Entity