Noun Concept
Categories: Trophic ecology, Articles with short description, Plant nutrition, Microbial growth and nutrition, Biology terminology
autophyte  autophytic plant  autotroph  autotrophic organism  autotrophy
Plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances WordNet 3.0
An autotroph is an organism that produces complex organic compounds using carbon from simple substances such as carbon dioxide, generally using energy from light or inorganic chemical reactions. Wikipedia
Organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple substances present in its surroundings, generally using energy from light or inorganic chemical reactions Wikidata
An organism able to produce its own food through photosynthesis. OmegaWiki
Any plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances. Wiktionary
Any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy. Wiktionary
Organism that can synthesize its food. Wiktionary (translation)
The synthesis of food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy. Wiktionary
Synthesis of food from inorganic substances. Wiktionary (translation)