class documentation

class _InternalBabelSynsetID(BabelSynsetID):

View In Hierarchy

Internal version of a BabelSynsetID

Method __init__ init method
Property babel_license Return the BabelLicense associated with the given ID.
Property is_valid True if the SynsetID is valid, False otherwise

Inherited from BabelSynsetID:

Method to_synset From a lightweight BabelSynsetID, create the corresponding BabelSynset.
Property outgoing_edges The edges (BabelSynsetRelations) which connect the current synset.
Constant _BABELNET_ID_LENGTH The BabelNet ID prefix (int).
Constant _BABELNET_ID_PREFIX The BabelNet ID prefix (str).
Constant _WORDATLAS_ID_LENGTH The WordAtlas ID length e.g: wa:tqlms5n
Constant _WORDATLAS_ID_PREFIX The WordAtlas ID prefix (str).

Inherited from SynsetID (via BabelSynsetID):

Instance Variable pos the POS
Property simple_offset The offset without prefix (e.g. `wn:` or `bn:`).

Inherited from ResourceID (via BabelSynsetID, SynsetID):

Method to_synsets Convert the ID to a collection of BabelSynsets.
Instance Variable id ID of a ResourceID.
Instance Variable language Language of the resource ID, if available.
Instance Variable source Source of the resource ID.
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __lt__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, id_str):

init method

id_str:strthe id as a string
babel_license: Optional[BabelLicense] =

Return the BabelLicense associated with the given ID.

is_valid: bool =

True if the SynsetID is valid, False otherwise

boolTrue or False