Noun Concept
Categories: Persuasion techniques, Traditional stories, Narrative techniques, Fables, Folklore
fable  parable  allegory  apologue  African fables
A short moral story (often with animal characters) WordNet 3.0
A short moral story (often with animal characters) WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Fable is a literary genre defined as a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized, and that illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson, which may at the end be added explicitly as a concise maxim or saying. Wikipedia
An apologue or apolog is a brief fable or allegorical story with pointed or exaggerated details, meant to serve as a pleasant vehicle for a moral doctrine or to convey a useful lesson without stating it explicitly. Wikipedia
Story intended to illustrate a moral. Wikipedia Disambiguation
Short fictional story that often anthropomorphises non-humans to illustrate a moral lesson Wikidata
Brief fable or allegorical story with a useful lesson or moral doctrine Wikidata
A symbolic representation which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, usually a moral or political one. Wiktionary
Symbolic representation. Wiktionary (translation)
A short story with a moral, often involving talking animals or objects; a fable. Wiktionary
A short story with a moral, often involving talking animals or objects. Wiktionary (translation)
A fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept, usually with animals, etc. as characters; an apologue. Prototypically, Aesop's Fables. Wiktionary
A short narrative illustrating a lesson (usually religious/moral) by comparison or analogy. Wiktionary
Short story illustrating a lesson. Wiktionary (translation)
In the New Testament the parables told by Jesus Christ convey His message, as in "The parable of the prodigal son". Wiktionary
Catholic sermons normally draw on at least one Biblical lecture, often parables. Wiktionary
WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet