Noun Concept
Categories: Quantum field theory, Particle physics, Subatomic particles, Articles with short description, Antimatter
antiparticle  Anti-element  Anti-Matter Particles  anti-particle  anti-particles
A particle that has the same mass as another particle but has opposite values for its other properties; interaction of a particle and its antiparticle results in annihilation and the production of radiant energy WordNet 3.0
A particle that has the same mass as another particle but has opposite values for its other properties; interaction of a particle and its antiparticle results in annihilation and the production of radiant energy WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
In particle physics, every type of particle is associated with an antiparticle with the same mass but with opposite physical charges. Wikipedia
A particle with the same mass but opposite charges in particle physics Wikipedia Disambiguation
Concept that pairs of particles exist that have equal mass, but opposite sign for properties such as charge, lepton and baryon number Wikidata
Particle having the same mass, spin, isospin as a particle, but having all additive quantum numbers opposite to those of its respective particle. OmegaWiki
A subatomic particle. Wiktionary (translation)
A subatomic particle corresponding to another particle with the same mass, spin and mean lifetime but with charge, parity, strangeness and other quantum numbers flipped in sign; a particle that has a reversed world line to another. Wiktionary