Noun Concept
Categories: Annulenes, Aromatic solvents, Commodity chemicals, Carcinogens, Teratogens
benzene  benzine  benzol  petroleum ether  bicarburet of hydrogen
A colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly inflammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compounds WordNet 3.0
A colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly inflammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compounds WordNet 3.0
A colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly flammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compounds Open English WordNet
Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula C6H6. Wikipedia
Aromatic hydrocarbon. Wikipedia Disambiguation
A chemical compound with the formula C6H6 Wikipedia Disambiguation
Hydrocarbon compound consisting of a 6-sided ring Wikidata
A colorless, liquid, flammable, aromatic hydrocarbon used to manufacture styrene and phenol. Also known as benzol. OmegaWiki
An aromatic hydrocarbon of formula C6H6 whose structure consists of a ring of alternate single and double bonds. Wiktionary
Benzene. Wiktionary
An impure benzene (mixed with toluene etc), used in the arts as a solvent, and for various other purposes. Wiktionary
An impure benzene. Wiktionary (translation)
A volatile petroleum fraction, usually available in a number of fractions boiling between 40°C and 140°C. Used as a solvent in the laboratory and industry. Wiktionary
Petroleum fraction. Wiktionary (translation)