Noun Concept
Categories: Relief maps, Multivariable calculus, Curves, Cartography, Topography
contour  contour line  contour lines  isohypse  isolines
A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height WordNet 3.0
A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
A contour line of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value, so that the curve joins points of equal value. Wikipedia
A curve along which the function has a constant value Wikipedia Disambiguation
Lines of equal values or meanings on the map that show the connection between two places that share a common value Wikidata
Lines used on topographic maps to show the shape and elevation of the land. They connect points of equal elevation. OmegaWiki
A line on a map or chart delineating those points which have the same altitude or other plotted quantity: a contour line or isopleth. Wiktionary
Line on a map or chart. Wiktionary (translation)
A line on a map through points of equal elevation, often height above sea level. Wiktionary
Line on a map. Wiktionary (translation)