Noun Concept
Categories: Group processes, Industrial and organizational psychology, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Psychological attitude, All articles needing additional references
esprit de corps  morale  team spirit
The spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed WordNet 3.0
The spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Morale, also known as esprit de corps, is the capacity of a group's members to maintain belief in an institution or goal, particularly in the face of opposition or hardship. Wikipedia
Motivation and readiness Wikipedia Disambiguation
capacity of a group's members to maintain belief in an institution or goal Wikidata
A shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion to a cause among the members of a group, for example of a military unit. Wiktionary
Shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion. Wiktionary (translation)
The capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others. Wiktionary
After the layoffs morale was at an all time low, they were so dispirited nothing was getting done. Wiktionary
Morale is an important quality in soldiers. With good morale they'll charge into a hail of bullets; without it they won't even cross a street. Wiktionary