Noun Concept
Categories: Propionamides, Anilides, Analgesics, Mu-opioid agonists, HERG blocker
Fentanyl  Sublimaze  1-phenethyl-4-(N-phenylpropionamido)piperidine  1-phenethyl-4-N-propionylanilinopiperidine  Actiq  He-Man
Trade names of a narcotic analgesic that can be inhaled and that acts on the central nervous system and may become addictive; used as a veterinary anesthetic and with other drugs before, during, and after surgery; also used as a nonlethal gas to incapacitate people in hostage situations; also abused as a recreational drug WordNet 3.0
Trade names of a narcotic analgesic that can be inhaled and that acts on the central nervous system and may become addictive; used as a veterinary anesthetic and with other drugs before, during, and after surgery; also used as a nonlethal gas to incapacitate people in hostage situations; also abused as a recreational drug WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Fentanyl is a potent synthetic piperidine opioid drug primarily used as an analgesic. Wikipedia
An opioid drug also used recreationally Wikipedia Disambiguation
Chemical compound Wikidata