Noun Named Entity
Categories: Book designers, German male painters, 1490s births, German Renaissance painters, 1543 deaths
Hans Holbein the Younger  Holbein  Hans Holbein  Holbein the Younger  Hans, the younger Holbein
German painter and engraver noted for his portraits; he was commissioned by Henry VIII to provide portraits of the English king's prospective brides (1497-1543) WordNet 3.0
German painter and engraver noted for his portraits; he was commissioned by Henry VIII to provide portraits of the English king's prospective brides (1497-1543) WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Hans Holbein the Younger Wikipedia
German-Swiss artist and printmaker, considerably more famous than his father Wikipedia Disambiguation
German painter and printmaker Wikipedia Disambiguation
German artist and printmaker (1497-1543) Wikidata
Wikidata Alias
A. Olbeen, Albens, Albens fiammingo, Ans. Olbeen, Ansolben, de Bale en Suisse Hans Holbein, der jungere, hans holbein, Der jüngere Holbein, Frans Holbeen, François Holbein, Gans Golʹbeĭn, Giovanni Ansebor, Giovanni Holben, Giovanni Holbeno, Giovanni Holbense, H. Hohlbein, H. Holbeen, H. Holbein, h. holbein the younger, H. Holbeyn, H. Holbien, H. Hollbein, Han's Holbein, Hanns Holbein, Hanns Holbein der Jüngere, Hannss Holbein, Hans, the younger Holbein, Hans, the Younger Holbein, Hans Albens, Hans d. J. Holbein, Hans Hohlbein, Hans Holbe, Hans Holbean, Hans Holbeen, Hans Holbein, hans holbein d. j., hans holbein d. jung., HANS HOLBEIN D.J., hans holbein der jungere, Hans Holbein der Jüngere, hans holbein des jungeren, Hans Holbein the younger, Hans Holbein the Younger, hans holbein the younger, Hans Holbeins, Hans Holben, Hans Holbeni, Hans Holbens, Hans Holber, Hans Holbien, Hans Holby, Hans Hollbein, Hans Hollebeen, Hans II Holbein, Hans II Holben, Hans II Holby, Hans II Olpeius, Hans II Olpenus, Hans Oelbren, Hans Olbeius, Hans Olbeni, Hans Olbens, Hans the Younger Holbein, Hans Ubeno, Hans Ulbens, Hanshulben, Hbens, Helbin, Ho bein, Hohlbein, Hol-bein, Holbain, Holbe, Holbee, Holbeen, Holbeijn, Holbein, Holbein d. J., Holbein dem Jüngeren, Holbein dem Jüngern, holbein h., holbein hans der jungere, Holbein Jun., Holbein Junior, Holbeine, Holbeins, Holben, Holbeni, Holbens, Holber, Holbeyn, Holbien, Holbiens, Holbin, Holbins, Holbyns, Holbéen, Holhein, Hollbein, Hollebeen, Hollebin, Hosbeen, Hulbeen, Hulbeine, Hulbens, Hulbyen, J. Holbeen, J. Holbein, J. Holben, Jean Holbeen, Jean Holbein, Johann Holbein, John Holbein, Oelbren, Olbeen, Olbeim, Olbein, Olbeins, Olbeius, Olben, Olbeni, Olbens, Olbens Olandese, Olbey, Olpeius Olpenus, Olvens, or Hans, Holbein John, Orbens, Orbens Svizzero, school of hans holbein, the younger Hans Holbein, Ubeno, Ubens Fiammingo, Ulbens, Ulbens fiammengo, האנס הולביין, Hans (The Younger) Holbein