Noun Concept
Categories: NatureServe secure species, Articles with 'species' microformats, Symbols of Delaware, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Extant Ordovician first appearances
horseshoe crab  king crab  Limulus polyphemus  Xiphosurus polyphemus  Atlantic horseshoe crab
Large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse WordNet 3.0
Large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
The Atlantic horseshoe crab, also known as the American horseshoe crab, is a species of horseshoe crab, a kind of marine and brackish chelicerate arthropod. Wikipedia
Horseshoe crabs are marine and brackish water arthropods of the family Limulidae and the only living members of the order Xiphosura. Wikipedia
A chelicerate that lays its eggs on beaches and is utilized by the biomedical industry Wikipedia Disambiguation
A marine arthropod Wikipedia Disambiguation
Family of arthropods Wikidata
Species of arthropods Wikidata
A type of chelicerate arthropod, of the genus Limulus, resembling a crab, to which it is not closely related. Wiktionary
A highly prized crab-like crustacean of various species. Wiktionary