Noun Concept
Categories: Typography, Source code
indentation  indention  indent  indenture
The space left between the margin and the start of an indented line WordNet 3.0
The space left between the margin and the start of an indented line WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
In the written form of many languages, an indentation or indent is an empty space at the beginning of a line to signal the start of a new paragraph. Wikipedia
Placement of text farther to the right, or left, to separate it from surrounding text. Wikipedia Disambiguation
Empty space at the beginning of a line to signal the start of a new paragraph Wikidata
The act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line of the column or page, as in the common way of beginning the first line of a paragraph. Wiktionary
Act of beginning a line at a distance from the flush line. Wiktionary (translation)
The act of indenting a line of text by including blank space at the beginning. Wiktionary
An indentation. Wiktionary