Noun Concept
Categories: All articles needing additional references, Languages with ISO 639-1 code, Fusional languages, Constructed languages introduced in the 1950s, ISO language articles citing sources other than Ethnologue
Interlingua  History of Interlingua  Interlingua and Eligibility of International Words  Interlingua language  Development of Interlingua
An artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language; based on words common to English and the Romance languages WordNet 3.0
An artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language; based on words common to English and the Romance languages WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Interlingua is an international auxiliary language developed between 1937 and 1951 by the American International Auxiliary Language Association. Wikipedia
Auxiliary language developed by the International Auxiliary Language Association. Wikipedia Disambiguation
International auxiliary language created by IALA Wikidata
An international auxiliary language (IAL) published in 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA). OmegaWiki
An interlanguage based on Romance languages, English, German, Russian and Latin, developed by the International Auxiliary Language Association, and first published in 1951. Wiktionary
Interlanguage based on Romance languages. Wiktionary (translation)