Noun Concept
Categories: Placeholder names, All articles needing additional references, Anonymity pseudonyms, English phrases, 17th-century neologisms
John Doe  Joe Blow  Joe Bloggs  man in the street  John Q. Public  Anonymous
A hypothetical average man WordNet 3.0
John Q. Public is a generic name and placeholder name, especially in American English, to denote a hypothetical member of society, deemed a "common man", who is presumed to represent the randomly selected "man on the street". Wikipedia
The phrase "Tom, Dick, and Harry" is a placeholder for unspecified people. Wikipedia
Placeholder phrase for multiple unspecified people. Wikipedia Disambiguation
Phrase used to refer to unidentified people Wikidata
A personification of the general public, or of an average ordinary person. Wiktionary
A personification of the general public. Wiktionary (translation)
A generic individual; some hypothetical average or ordinary citizen. Wiktionary
1. A generic individual; some hypothetical average or ordinary citizen. Wiktionary (translation)
A typical person, unversed in a given subject; an inexpert commoner. Wiktionary
A typical person. Wiktionary (translation)
Even careful safety precautions in the factory do not make it a good place for John Q. Public to wander unattended. Wiktionary