Noun Concept
Categories: Computational linguistics, Computer-assisted translation, Machine translation, Artificial intelligence applications, Tasks of natural language processing
machine translation  MT  Applications of machine translation  Automated language translation  Automated transaltion  MOLTO
The use of computers to translate from one language to another WordNet 3.0
The use of computers to translate from one language to another WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Machine translation is use of either rule-based or probabilistic machine learning approaches to translation of text or speech from one language to another, including the contextual, idiomatic and pragmatic nuances of both languages. Wikipedia
A subfield of computational linguistics Wikipedia Disambiguation
Use of software for language translation Wikidata
The act of translating something by means of a machine, especially a computer. OmegaWiki
The act of translating something from one language to another by means of a machine, especially a computer. Wiktionary
Act of translating something by means of a machine. Wiktionary (translation)
Act of translating a computer language. Wiktionary (translation)