Noun Concept
Categories: Packet (sea transport), Steamships, Postal history, Age of Sail
mailboat  mail boat  packet  packet boat
Packet boats were medium-sized boats designed for domestic mail, passenger, and freight transportation in European countries and in North American rivers and canals, some of them steam driven. Wikipedia
Type of boat used for scheduled mail or passenger service Wikipedia Disambiguation
A boat used to transport mail. Wiktionary
Vessel to convey mail. Wiktionary (translation)
Originally, a vessel employed by government to convey dispatches or mails; hence, a vessel employed in conveying dispatches, mails, passengers, and goods, and having fixed days of sailing; a mail boat. Packet boat, ship, vessel (Wikipedia). Wiktionary
A boat that carried mail, cargo, and, in later years, some passengers along a regularly scheduled route up and down a river or canal. Wiktionary