Noun Concept
Categories: Metaphors referring to places
Rubicon  point of no return  Burning boats  Burning the bridge  Crossing the Rubricon
A line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment WordNet 3.0
A line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
The point of no return is the point beyond which one must continue on one's current course of action because turning back is no longer possible, being too dangerous, physically difficult, or prohibitively expensive to be undertaken. Wikipedia
Moment after which adverse consequences would commit one to a course of action. Wikipedia Disambiguation
The point in any process or sequence of events where some development becomes inevitable. Wiktionary
A limit that when surpassed cannot be returned from, or an action that when taken cannot be reversed. Wiktionary