Noun Concept
Categories: All articles needing additional references, Wilhelm Röntgen, IARC Group 1 carcinogens, Ionizing radiation, Electromagnetic spectrum
X ray  X-ray  X-radiation  roentgen ray
X-ray is a high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Wikipedia
electromagnetic radiation of wavelength ranging from 10 pm to 10 nm Wikidata
A penetrating electromagnetic radiation, usually generated by accelerating electrons to high velocity and suddenly stopping them by collision with a solid body, or by inner-shell transitions of atoms with atomic number greater than 10; their wavelength ranges from about 10 OmegaWiki
Short wavelength electromagnetic wave usually produced by bombarding a metal target in a vacuum. OmegaWiki
Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation usually produced by bombarding a metal target in a vacuum. Used to create images of the internal structure of objects; this is possible because X-rays pass through most objects and can expose photographic film. Wiktionary
Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation. Wiktionary (translation)
X-rays are light with a wavelength between 0.1 and 10 nm. Wiktionary