Noun Named Entity
Categories: Offspring of Zeus, Deeds of Zeus, Kings of Phrygia, Incidents of cannibalism, Anatolian characters in Greek mythology
Tantalus  Torment of Tantalus  Tantalos  Tántalos  Τάνταλος
(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it WordNet 3.0
(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Tantalus was a Greek mythological figure, most famous for his punishment in Tartarus: he was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink. Wikipedia
Greek mythological figure who is bound in a pool of water in Tartarus, forever thirsty but never able to drink. Wikipedia Disambiguation
Greek mythological figure and son of Zeus Wikidata
A Phrygian king who was condemned to remain in Tartarus, chin-deep in water, with fruit-laden branches hanging above his head; whenever he tried to drink or eat, the water and fruit receded out of reach. Wiktionary
WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet