Noun Concept
Categories: Buoyancy, Ship measurements
waterline  water line  water level
A line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel; often painted on the hull of a ship WordNet 3.0
A line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel; often painted on the hull of a ship WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
The waterline is the line where the hull of a ship meets the surface of the water. Wikipedia
The line where the hull of a ship meets the surface of the water Wikipedia Disambiguation
Nautical term Wikidata
The waterline of a ship. Wiktionary
Waterline of a ship. Wiktionary (translation)
Any one of several lines marked upon the outside of a vessel, corresponding with the surface of the water when she is afloat on an even keel. The lowest line indicates the vessel's proper submergence when not loaded, and is called the light water line; the highest, called the load water line, indicates her proper submergence when loaded. Wiktionary
A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat; any of a series of short lines marked on the hull to show where the waterline would be under different loadings. Wiktionary
Line on the hull of a ship. Wiktionary (translation)
WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
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