Noun Named Entity
Categories: Battles of the American Revolutionary War in Connecticut, Battles involving the United States, Groton, Connecticut, Conflicts in 1781, Battles involving Great Britain
Battle of Groton Heights  Battle of Fort Griswold  Fort Griswold massacre
The Battle of Groton Heights was a battle of the American Revolutionary War fought on September 6, 1781 between a small Connecticut militia force led by Lieutenant Colonel William Ledyard and the more numerous British forces led by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold and Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Eyre. Wikipedia
The Battle of Groton Heights was a battle of the American Revolutionary War fought on September 6, 1781 between a small Connecticut militia force led by Lieutenant Colonel William Ledyard and the more numerous British forces led by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold and Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Eyre. Wikipedia
battle of the American Revolutionary War 1781 Wikidata