Noun Concept
Categories: Physical quantities, All articles needing additional references, Science of photography
film speed  ISO speed  ISO  ASA  DIN
Film speed is the measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system introduced in the mid-1970s. Wikipedia
Film speed is the measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system introduced in the mid-1970s. Wikipedia
Photographic film's sensitivity to light Wikipedia Disambiguation
A measure of a film's sensitivity to light; faster films needing shorter exposures. Wiktionary
Attribute of light sensitivity. Wiktionary (translation)
Wikipedia Redirections
-1 Sv, -1° ASA, -2 Sv, -2° ASA, 0.8/0°, 0.8 ASA, 0 DIN, 0 Sv, 0° ASA, 0° DIN, 1.2/2°, 1.2 ASA, 1.6/3°, 1.6 ASA, 1/1°, 10/11°, 100/21°, 1000/31°, 10000/41°, 100000/51°, 1000000/61°, 1000 ASA, 100 ASA, 102400/51°, 10 ASA, 10 DIN, 10 Sv, 10 Warn., 10° ASA, 10° DIN, 10° Sch., 10°W., 11 DIN, 11 Sv, 11 Warn., 11° ASA, 11° DIN, 11° Sch., 11°W., 12/12°, 125/22°, 1250/32°, 12500/42°, 125000/52°, 1250000/62°, 12500 ASA, 1250 ASA, 125 ASA, 12800/42°, 12 ASA, 12 DIN, 12 Sv, 12 Warn., 12° ASA, 12° DIN, 12° Sch., 12°W., 13 DIN, 13 Sv, 13 Warn., 13° DIN, 13° Sch., 13°W., 14 DIN, 14 Sv, 14 Warn., 14° DIN, 14° Sch., 14°W., 15 DIN, 15 Sv, 15 Warn., 15° DIN, 15° Sch., 15°W., 16/13°, 160/23°, 1600/33°, 16000/43°, 160000/53°, 1600000/63°, 1600 ASA, 160 ASA, 16 ASA, 16 DIN, 16 Sv, 16 Warn., 16° DIN, 16° Sch., 16°W., 17 DIN, 17 Sv, 17 Warn., 17° DIN, 17° Sch., 17°W., 18 DIN, 18 Sv, 18 Warn., 18° DIN, 18° Sch., 18°W., 19 DIN, 19 Sv, 19 Warn., 19° DIN, 19° Sch., 19°W., 1 ASA, 1 DIN, 1 Sv, 1° ASA, 1° DIN, 1° Sch., 2.5/5°, 2.5 ASA, 2/4°, 20/14°, 200/24°, 2000/34°, 20000/44°, 200000/54°, 2000000/64°, 2000 ASA, 200 ASA, 204800/54°, 20 ASA, 20 DIN, 20 Sv, 20 Warn., 20° DIN, 20° Sch., 20°W., 21 DIN, 21 Warn., 21° DIN, 21°W., 22 DIN, 22 Warn., 22° DIN, 22°W., 23 DIN, 23 Warn., 23° DIN, 23°W., 24 DIN, 24 Warn., 24° DIN, 24°W., 25/15°, 250/25°, 2500/35°, 25000/45°, 250000/55°, 2500000/65°, 2500 ASA, 250 ASA, 25600/45°, 25 ASA, 25 DIN, 25 Warn., 25° DIN, 25°W., 26 DIN, 26° DIN, 27 DIN, 27° DIN, 28 DIN, 28° DIN, 29 DIN, 29° DIN, 2 ASA, 2 DIN, 2 Sv, 2° ASA, 2° DIN, 2° Sch., 3/6°, 30 DIN, 30° DIN, 31 DIN, 31° DIN, 32/16°, 320/26°, 3200/36°, 32000/46°, 320000/56°, 3200000/66°, 3200 ASA, 320 ASA, 3280000/66°, 32 ASA, 32 DIN, 32° DIN, 33 DIN, 33° DIN, 34 DIN, 34° DIN, 35 DIN, 35° DIN, 36 DIN, 36° DIN, 37 DIN, 37° DIN, 38 DIN, 38° DIN, 39 DIN, 39° DIN, 3 ASA, 3 DIN, 3 Sv, 3° ASA, 3° DIN, 3° Sch., 4/7°, 40/17°, 400/27°, 4000/37°, 40000/47°, 400000/57°, 4000000/67°, 400 ASA, 409600/57°, 40 ASA, 40 DIN, 41 DIN, 42 DIN, 43 DIN, 44 DIN, 4560000/67°, 45 DIN, 46 DIN, 47 DIN, 48 DIN, 49 DIN, 4 ASA, 4 DIN, 4 Sv, 4° ASA, 4° DIN, 4° Sch., 5/8°, 50/18°, 500/28°, 5000/38°, 50000/48°, 500000/58°, 500 ASA, 50 ASA, 50 DIN, 51200/48°, 51 DIN, 5 ASA, 5 DIN, 5 Sv, 5° ASA, 5° DIN, 5° Sch., 6/9°, 64/19°, 640/29°, 6400/39°, 64000/49°, 640000/59°, 6400 ASA, 640 ASA, 64 ASA, 6 ASA, 6 DIN, 6 Sv, 6° ASA, 6° DIN, 6° Sch., 7 DIN, 7 Sv, 7° ASA, 7° DIN, 7° Sch., 8/10°, 80/20°, 800/30°, 8000/40°, 80000/50°, 800000/60°, 800 ASA, 80 ASA, 8 ASA, 8 DIN, 8 Sv, 8° ASA, 8° DIN, 8° Sch., 9 DIN, 9 Sv, 9° ASA, 9° DIN, 9° Sch., ASA (film), ASA film speed, BS film speed, BS ISO 12232:2019, BSI film speed, Camera ISO, Degree Scheiner, Degree Warnerke, degrees Scheiner, Degrees Warnerke, Digital camera ISO, Digital ISO speed, DIN (film), DIN 4512, DIN 4512-1, DIN 4512-1:1971-04, DIN 4512-1:1993-05, DIN 4512-4, DIN 4512-4:1977-06, DIN 4512-4:1985-08, DIN 4512-5, DIN 4512-5:1977-10, DIN 4512-5:1990-11, DIN 4512:1934-01, DIN 4512:1957-11, DIN 4512:1961-10, DIN film speed, DIN ISO 2240, DIN ISO 2240:1998-06, DIN ISO 2240:2005-10, DIN ISO 5800, DIN ISO 5800:1998-06, DIN ISO 5800:2003-11, DIN ISO 6, DIN ISO 6:1996-02, exposure index, Film grade, Film ISO, film sensitivity, Film Speed, Film speed conversion, Filmspeed, GE film speed, General Electric film speed, GOST (film speed), GOST 2817-45, GOST 2817-50, GOST film speed, H&D (film speed), ISO (film), ISO 0.8/0°, ISO 1.2/2°, ISO 1.6/3°, ISO 1/1°, ISO 10/11°, ISO 100/21°, ISO 1000/31°, ISO 10000/41°, ISO 100000/51°, ISO 1000000/61°, ISO 102400/51°, ISO 12/12°, ISO 12232, ISO 12232:1998, ISO 12232:2006, ISO 12232:2019, ISO 12232:2019-02, ISO 125/22°, ISO 1250/32°, ISO 12500/42°, ISO 125000/52°, ISO 1250000/62°, ISO 12800/42°, ISO 16/13°, ISO 160/23°, ISO 1600, ISO 1600/33°, ISO 16000/43°, ISO 160000/53°, ISO 1600000/63°, ISO 2.5/5°, ISO 2/4°, ISO 20/14°, ISO 200/24°, ISO 2000/34°, ISO 20000/44°, ISO 200000/54°, ISO 2000000/64°, ISO 204800/54°, ISO 2240, ISO 2240:1982, ISO 2240:1994, ISO 2240:2003, ISO 25/15°, ISO 250/25°, ISO 2500/35°, ISO 25000/45°, ISO 250000/55°, ISO 2500000/65°, ISO 25600/45°, ISO 2720, ISO 2720:1974, ISO 3/6°, ISO 32/16°, ISO 320/26°, ISO 3200, ISO 3200/36°, ISO 32000/46°, ISO 320000/56°, ISO 3200000/66°, ISO 3280000/66°, ISO 4/7°, ISO 40/17°, ISO 400, ISO 400/27°, ISO 4000/37°, ISO 40000/47°, ISO 400000/57°, ISO 4000000/67°, ISO 409600/57°, ISO 4560000/67°, ISO 5/8°, ISO 50/18°, ISO 500/28°, ISO 5000/38°, ISO 50000/48°, ISO 500000/58°, ISO 51200/48°, ISO 5800, ISO 5800:1979, ISO 5800:1987, ISO 5800:1987/Cor 1:2001, ISO 5800:2001, ISO 6, ISO 6/9°, ISO 64/19°, ISO 640/29°, ISO 6400/39°, ISO 64000/49°, ISO 640000/59°, ISO 6:1974, ISO 6:1993, ISO 8/10°, ISO 80/20°, ISO 800, ISO 800/30°, ISO 8000/40°, ISO 80000/50°, ISO 800000/60°, ISO digital speed, ISO exposure index, ISO film speed, ISO number, ISO rating, ISO sensitivity, ISO setting, ISO speed, ISO speed rating, NEN-ISO 12232:2019, Recommended Exposure Index, Sch., Scheiner-inflation, Scheiner (film speed), Scheiner film grade, Scheiner film speed, Scheiner grade, Scheiner inflation, Scheinergrad, Scheinergrade, slow film, Standard output sensitivity, Standard Output Sensitivity, Warn., Warnerke Standard Sensitometer, Weston film speed, Weston film speed ratings, ° DIN, ° Sch., ° Scheiner, ° W., ° Warnerke, °DIN, °Sch., °Scheiner, °W., °W (film speed), °Warn., °Warnerke