Noun Concept
Categories: Physical exercise, Sprint (running), Fitness tests
multi-stage fitness test  20 m Shuttle Run Test  20 m SRT  beep test  bleep test  PACER
The multi-stage fitness test, also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER, PACER test, FitnessGram PACER test, or the 20 m Shuttle Run Test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity. Wikipedia
The multi-stage fitness test, also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER, PACER test, FitnessGram PACER test, or the 20 m Shuttle Run Test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity. Wikipedia
A personal endurance test involving running progressively faster: Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run or "bleep test" Wikipedia Disambiguation
shuttle walking test to estimate an athlete's maximum oxygen uptake Wikidata