Noun Concept
Categories: Analytic number theory, Bernhard Riemann, Articles with short description, Zeta and L-functions, Meromorphic functions
Riemann zeta function  Reimann zeta function  Ζ  critical strip  Euler-Riemann zeta function
The Riemann zeta function or Euler–Riemann zeta function, denoted by the Greek letter ζ, is a mathematical function of a complex variable defined as for Re ⁡ > 1 {\displaystyle \operatorname {Re} >1}, and its analytic continuation elsewhere. Wikipedia
The Riemann zeta function or Euler–Riemann zeta function, denoted by the Greek letter ζ, is a mathematical function of a complex variable defined as for Re ⁡ > 1 {\displaystyle \operatorname {Re} >1}, and its analytic continuation elsewhere. Wikipedia
A function used in analytic number theory Wikipedia Disambiguation
Analytic function Wikidata
The function ζ defined by the Dirichlet series ζ ( s ) = ∑ n = 1 ∞ 1 n s = 1 1 s + 1 2 s + 1 3 s + 1 4 s + ⋯ , which is summable for points s in the complex half-plane with real part > 1; the analytic continuation of said function, being a holomorphic function defined on the complex numbers with pole at 1. Wiktionary
Analytic continuation of a function defined as the sum of a Dirichlet series. Wiktionary (translation)