Noun Concept
Categories: Types of democracy
participatory democracy  Creative democracy  participative democracy  participatory democracies  semi-directed democracy
Participatory democracy, participant democracy or participative democracy is a form of government in which citizens participate individually and directly in political decisions and policies that affect their lives, rather than through elected representatives. Wikipedia
Participatory democracy, participant democracy or participative democracy is a form of government in which citizens participate individually and directly in political decisions and policies that affect their lives, rather than through elected representatives. Wikipedia
Emphasizes the broad participation of constituents in the political systems Wikidata
A form of democracy which stresses the involvement of constituents in the direction and operation of political systems. OmegaWiki
A kind of democracy not limiting participation of citizens to voting, but striving to create opportunities for everybody to make meaningful contributions to decision-making. Wiktionary
Political system. Wiktionary (translation)