Noun Named Entity
Categories: United States in World War I, United States home front during World War I, Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, Defunct agencies of the United States government
United States Food Administration  U.S. Food Administration  US Food Administration
The United States Food Administration was an independent Federal agency that controlled the production, distribution and conservation of food in the U.S. during the nation's participation in World War I. It was established to prevent monopolies and hoarding, and to maintain government control of foods through voluntary agreements and licensing. Wikipedia
The United States Food Administration was an independent Federal agency that controlled the production, distribution and conservation of food in the U.S. during the nation's participation in World War I. It was established to prevent monopolies and hoarding, and to maintain government control of foods through voluntary agreements and licensing. Wikipedia
Independent Federal agency that controlled the production, distribution and conservation of food in the U.S. during World War I Wikidata