Noun Named Entity
Categories: Live CD, Operating system distributions bootable from read-only media, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Software appliances
Live CD  Live distro  LiveDistro  Livedvd  Pcjacking
A live CD is a complete bootable computer installation including operating system which runs directly from a CD-ROM or similar storage device into a computer's memory, rather than loading from a hard disk drive. Wikipedia
A live CD is a complete bootable computer installation including operating system which runs directly from a CD-ROM or similar storage device into a computer's memory, rather than loading from a hard disk drive. Wikipedia
An operating system bootable from CD Wikipedia Disambiguation
A computer operating system written to a bootable CD, and run as a "live" operating system. See also Live USB Wikipedia Disambiguation
Operating system distribution/image/copy bootable from CD, DVD and possibly other similar media Wikidata
A generic term for an operating system distribution that is executed upon boot, without installation on a hard drive. OmegaWiki