Noun Concept
Categories: Multiple births, All articles needing additional references, Conjoined twins, Supernumerary body parts, All articles with vague or ambiguous time
polycephaly  axial bifurcation  Bicephal  bicephalic  Bicephalic animal
Polycephaly is the condition of having more than one head. Wikipedia
Polycephaly is the condition of having more than one head. Wikipedia
Condition of having more than one head Wikidata
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axial bifurcation, Bicephal, bicephalic, Bicephalic animal, Bicephalic animals, Bicephalics, Bicephalies, Bicephalous, Bicephalousness, Bicephalus, Bicephaly, Carmen and Lupita Andrade-Solis, Dicephal, dicephalic, dicephalic animal, Dicephalic animals, Dicephalics, Dicephalies, Dicephalous, Dicephalousness, dicephalus, Dicephalus dipus tetrabrachius, Dicephaly, Extra head, Multi-headed animal, multi-headed animals, Multi-headed creature, multi-headed creatures, Multi headed animal, Multi headed animals, Multi headed creature, Multi headed creatures, Multicephalic, Multicephaly, Polycephal, polycephalic, Polycephalic animal, polycephalic animals, Polycephalics, Polycephalies, Polycephalism, Polycephalous, Polycephalousness, Supplementary head, Three-head, three-headed, Three-headed animal, Three-headed creature, Three-headed snake, Three-headed turtle, Three-headedness, Three-heads, Three head, Three headed, Three headed animal, Three headed creature, Three headed snake, Three headed turtle, Three headedness, three heads, Threehead, Threeheaded, Threeheadedness, Threeheads, tricephalic, Tricephalics, Tricephalous, Tricephalousness, Tricephaly, Triple-head, Triple-headed, Triple-headedness, Triple-heads, Triple head, Triple headed, Triple headedness, Triple heads, Triplehead, Tripleheaded, Tripleheadedness, Tripleheads, two-headed, Two-headed animal, two-headed animals, Two-headed baby, Two-headed cat, Two-headed cattle, Two-headed cow, Two-headed creature, Two-headed creatures, two-headed kitten, Two-headed lamb, Two-headed people, Two-headed person, Two-headed sheep, two-headed snake, Two-headed tortoise, two-headed turtle, Two-headedness, Two headed animal, Two headed animals, Two headed cat, Two headed cattle, Two headed cow, Two headed creature, Two headed creatures, Two headed kitten, two headed lamb, Two headed people, two headed person, Two headed sheep, Two headed snake, Two headed tortoise, Two headed turtle, Two headedness, two heads, Twoheadedness, We (rat snake)