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Categories: European Union and science and technology, European Commission projects, Framework Programmes
Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development  Horizon 2020  Mossclone  Component validator for environmentally friendly aero engine  Custom imd  CONCERTO
The Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, also called Framework Programmes or abbreviated FP1 to FP9, are funding programmes created by the European Union/European Commission to support and foster research in the European Research Area. Wikipedia
The Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, also called Framework Programmes or abbreviated FP1 to FP9, are funding programmes created by the European Union/European Commission to support and foster research in the European Research Area. Wikipedia
Framework Program for research funded by the European Commission for 2014-2020 Wikidata
FP6, FP7, H2020, etc Wikidata
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6th Framework Program, 7th Framework Program, 7th Framework Programme, Access-eGov, AMSCopper, AssessGrid, BioMalPar, CARVOC, CASPAR digital preservation project, COMMNET, Component validator for environmentally friendly aero engine, Component Validator for Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine, CONCERTO, CONCERTO Initiative, Custom imd, Custom IMD, CyberEmotions, DAIDALOS, DAIDALOS project, DEVOTES project, DIAMOND (project), Digital Preservation Europe, EAST-NMR, Ebbits project, Echord++, EFENIS, EMOTE (project), ETOMIC, EU-IST, EU FP, EU FP6, EU Framework Program for Research and Technological Development, EUChinaGRID, EUFODOS, EuroAfrica, EuroAfrica-ICT, Eurogene, Eurogentest, European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network, European Commission Sixth Framework Programme, European Forest Downstream Services, European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform, European Project REPTILE, European Technology Platform, European Union's Framework programme, European Union Horizon 2020, European Union Research Programme, European Virtual Institute for Malaria Research, Eurosunmed, Evimalar, EVIMalaR, Fifth (EC) Framework Programme, Fifth European Community Framework Programme, Fifth Framework Programme, Financial Fraud Prevention-Oriented Information Resources using Ontology Technology, FINNOV, Forest-based sector Technology Platform, Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform, Forest based sector Technology Platform, FP5, FP6, FP 7 Project EUFODOS, FPRTD, Framework program, framework programme, Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development, Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Framework programmes for research and technological development, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative, Future Manufacturing Technologies, Future Textiles and Clothing, g-Eclipse, GEclipse, Global Animal Health, Gredia, Gredia Project, GridCC, H2020, Horizon 2020, I-maestro, ICEAGE Distributed computing education Project, IClass, IDPbyNMR, Imaestro, IMAQUANIM, IMISCOE, Industrial Safety (European Technology Platform), INFLATER, Information Society Technologies, Information Society Technologies Advisory Group, Integrated Project (EU), Integrated project (EU), Integrated Site Security for Grids, International migration, integration and social cohesion, International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe, Isseg, ISSeG, ISTAG, ITALK Project, Joint Technology Initiative, Manuvar, MindRACES, Mitocheck, Mobile and Wireless Communications, MODCONS Project, Mossclone, Nanodigree, NanoDiGree, NEM summit, NEOShield, Network of Excellence, Networked and electronic media, Networked and Electronic Media, Networked European Software and Services Initiative, NovelTree, O-war, O-WaR, ODIN Project, OMII-Europe, Open House (FP7), Optobacteria, PARSIFAL Project EU, PathogenCombat, Photovoltaic Technology Platform, Plants for the Future, Project Rubicon, Project Rubicon - Seventh Framework Programme, PRoVisG, Ringrid, RINGrid, RobotCub Consortium, SALERO, SANDRA (research project), SCAPE project, Seventh Framework, Seventh Framework Programme, Seventh Research Framework Programme, Sixth Framework Programme, SOA4All, Solasys, Soteria FP7 Network, Specific Support Action (SSA), Specific Targeted Research Project, STORK 2.0, STReP, The Sixth Framework Programme, The Store-Pet Project, THE STORE-PET PROJECT, TIMBUS, TraMOOC Project, Update (FP-6 Project), UrbaChina, Water Europe, Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform, Waterborne ETP, Waterborne TP, Windrive, WSSTP, X-Media, Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants