Noun Concept
Categories: Computer hardware cooling, Cooling technology, Heat transfer, Articles with short description, Heat conduction
thermal grease  thermal paste  Cooling grease  CPU grease  heat paste
Thermal paste is a thermally conductive chemical compound, which is commonly used as an interface between heat sinks and heat sources such as high-power semiconductor devices. Wikipedia
Thermal paste is a thermally conductive chemical compound, which is commonly used as an interface between heat sinks and heat sources such as high-power semiconductor devices. Wikipedia
Fluid material squeezed between parts to keep them in close thermal contact Wikidata
A viscous fluid substance, originally with properties akin to grease, which increases the thermal conductivity of a thermal interface by filling microscopic air-gaps present due to the imperfectly flat and smooth surfaces of the components. Wiktionary
Fluid used to increase conductance of a thermal interface. Wiktionary (translation)