Noun Concept
Categories: Applications of computer vision, Artificial intelligence applications, long volume value, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Symbols
optical character recognition  Applications of optical character recognition  Arabic ocr  Automated recognition of text in images  character recognition
Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image. Wikipedia
Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image. Wikipedia
The conversion of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text Wikipedia Disambiguation
Computer recognition of visual text Wikidata
The electronic identification and digital encoding of printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner and specialized software. Wiktionary
Electronic identification and digital encoding of characters. Wiktionary (translation)