Noun Concept
Categories: Quantum algorithms, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Post-quantum cryptography, Search algorithms
Grover's algorithm  Grover's search algorithm  Grover algorithm  Grover database search algorithm  Grover operator
In quantum computing, Grover's algorithm, also known as the quantum search algorithm, is a quantum algorithm for unstructured search that finds with high probability the unique input to a black box function that produces a particular output value, using just O {\displaystyle O} evaluations of the function, where N {\displaystyle N} is the size of the function's domain. Wikipedia
In quantum computing, Grover's algorithm, also known as the quantum search algorithm, is a quantum algorithm for unstructured search that finds with high probability the unique input to a black box function that produces a particular output value, using just O {\displaystyle O} evaluations of the function, where N {\displaystyle N} is the size of the function's domain. Wikipedia
Quantum search of an unsorted database invented by Lov Grover Wikipedia Disambiguation
Algorithm Wikidata
A quantum algorithm that finds with high probability the unique input to a black-box function that produces a particular output value. Wiktionary