Noun Concept
Categories: All articles needing additional references, Logarithms, Numeral systems, Articles with short description, Measurement
scientific notation  D-notation  D notation  B-notation  B notation  notation
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. Wikipedia
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. Wikipedia
A form of numeric notation Wikipedia Disambiguation
Method of writing numbers, especially very large or small ones Wikidata
A method of writing, or of displaying real numbers as a decimal number between 1 and 10 followed by an integer power of 10. Wiktionary
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B-notation (binary scientific notation), B notation (binary scientific notation), Base-10 scientific notation, Base-16 scientific notation, Base-2 scientific notation, Base-8 scientific notation, Binary E notation, Binary scientific notation, C-notation (scientific notation), C notation (scientific notation), characteristic (exponent notation), D-format, D-notation (BASIC), D exponent-letter, D notation (BASIC), Decimal E notation, Decimal exponent, Decimal exponential notation, decimal scientific notation, Double-precision exponent, Double precision scientific notation, E-format, E-notation, E exponent-letter, E notation, Exponent (d) notation, Exponent (D) notation, Exponent (e) notation, Exponent (E) notation, Exponent (q) notation, Exponent (Q) notation, Exponent D-notation, Exponent E-notation, Exponent Q-notation, exponential notation, H-notation (scientific notation), H notation (scientific notation), Hexadecimal scientific notation, Logarithmic notation, Normalised notation, Normalised scientific notation, normalized notation, normalized scientific notation, notation (scientific), Notation normalized, Notation scientific, O-notation (scientific notation), O notation (scientific notation), Octal scientific notation, P-notation, P notation, Q-notation (FORTRAN), Q exponent-letter, Q notation (FORTRAN), Quad-precision exponent, Quad-precision scientific notation, Quad precision exponent, Quad precision scientific notation, Quadruple-precision exponent, Quadruple precision scientific notation, SCI (calculator mode), Scientific figure, Scientific format (notation), Scientific notaion, Scientific Notation, Scinote, Single-precision exponent, Single precision scientific notation, standard index form, Standard index notation, ₁₀,