Noun Concept
Categories: Linguistic typology, Language, Articles with short description
ergative language  ergative-absolutive language  ergative–absolutive alignment  ergative–absolutive language  Absolutive-ergative language
A type of language that has an ergative case or in which the direct object of a transitive verb has the same form as the subject of an intransitive verb. Open English WordNet
A type of language that has an ergative case or in which the direct object of a transitive verb has the same form as the subject of an intransitive verb. Open English WordNet
In linguistic typology, ergative–absolutive alignment is a type of morphosyntactic alignment in which the single argument of an intransitive verb behaves like the object of a transitive verb, and differently from the agent of a transitive verb. Wikipedia
A language in which the subject of an intransitive verb behaves like the object of a transitive verb Wikipedia Disambiguation
Language sharing a certain distinctive pattern relating to the subjects of verbs Wikidata
An ergative language maintains a syntactic or morphological equivalence (such as the same word order or grammatical case) for the object of a transitive verb and the single core argument of an intransitive verb, while treating the agent of a transitive verb differently. Open English WordNet