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Categories: Colombian magic realism novels, Novels set in Colombia, Harper & Row books, Family saga novels, 1967 novels
One Hundred Years of Solitude  Cien Anos de Soledad  A hundred years of solitude  (100) Years of Solitude  100 Years of Solitude
One Hundred Years of Solitude is a 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez that tells the multi-generational story of the Buendía family, whose patriarch, José Arcadio Buendía, founded the fictitious town of Macondo. Wikipedia
One Hundred Years of Solitude is a 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez that tells the multi-generational story of the Buendía family, whose patriarch, José Arcadio Buendía, founded the fictitious town of Macondo. Wikipedia
A 1967 novel by Gabriel García Márquez, describes many generations of the fictional Buendía family. Wikipedia Disambiguation
1967 novel by Gabriel García Márquez Wikidata