Noun Concept
Categories: Ships of the line of the French Navy, 74-gun ship of the line classes, Ship classes of the French Navy, Téméraire-class ships of the line, Ship of the line classes from France
Téméraire-class ship of the line  Temeraire-class ship of the line  Temeraire class ship of the line  Téméraire class ship of the line
The Téméraire-class ships of the line were a class of a hundred and twenty 74-gun ships of the line ordered between 1782 and 1813 for the French navy or its attached navies in dependent territories. Wikipedia
The Téméraire-class ships of the line were a class of a hundred and twenty 74-gun ships of the line ordered between 1782 and 1813 for the French navy or its attached navies in dependent territories. Wikipedia
A class of ships designed and built for the French Navy Wikipedia Disambiguation
Class of 120 74-gun ships of the line Wikidata