The given name Griffith may refer to: Griffith Bodwrda, Welsh politician and Member of Parliament Griffith Borgeson, American race car historian and editor-in-chief of Motor Trend magazine Griffith Brewer, pioneer English balloonist and aviator Griffith Buck, horticulturalist and professor of horticulture Griffith Davies, actuary Griffith Edwards, British psychiatrist and researcher Griffith Evans, Australian politician Griffith C. Evans, American mathematician Griffith Griffith, Welsh Presbyterian minister Griffith J. Griffith, Welsh-American industrialist and philanthropist Griffith Hughes, naturalist and author Griffith John, Welsh missionary to China and a pioneer evangelist Griffith Jones Griffith Lloyd, Principal of Jesus College, Oxford Griffith Powell, philosopher and Principal of Jesus College, Oxford Griffith Roberts, Anglican priest and author Griffith Rutherford