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Categories: Hulk Hogan, Freedom of speech in the United States, United States district court cases, Gawker Media, Florida state case law
Bollea v. Gawker  Gawker Media Case  Gawker Case  Gawker v. Bollea  Hogan v. Gawker
Bollea v. Gawker was a Florida lawsuit in which Terry Gene Bollea, known professionally as Hulk Hogan, sued Gawker Media, publisher of the Gawker website, and several Gawker employees and Gawker-affiliated entities, for posting portions of a sex tape of Bollea with Heather Clem, at that time the wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge. Wikipedia
Bollea v. Gawker was a Florida lawsuit in which Terry Gene Bollea, known professionally as Hulk Hogan, sued Gawker Media, publisher of the Gawker website, and several Gawker employees and Gawker-affiliated entities, for posting portions of a sex tape of Bollea with Heather Clem, at that time the wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge. Wikipedia
Florida lawsuit Wikidata