Noun Named Entity
Categories: 2018 in the environment, 2020 protests, 2018 protests, Environmental and climate youth organizations, 2020 in the environment
Fridays for Future  School Strike for Climate  AC2106  Artists4future  Climate strike of 30 November 2015
School Strike for Climate, also known variously as Fridays for Future, Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate, is an international movement of school students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to transition to renewable energy. Wikipedia
School Strike for Climate, also known variously as Fridays for Future, Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate, is an international movement of school students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to transition to renewable energy. Wikipedia
A youth-led climate justice movement Wikipedia Disambiguation
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2018 school strike for climate, 2019 school strike for climate, A4F, Ac2106, AC2106, Agencies for Future, Artists4Future, Artists4future, Artists for Future, ArtistsForFuture, Barbara Fischer (activist), Carla Reemtsma, Churches for Future, Climate justice without borders, Climate justice without borders - United for a future, Climate justice without borders – United for a future, climate strike, Climate Strike 2015, Climate Strike 2016, Climate strike of 30 November 2015, Climate Strike of 30 November 2015, Climate strike of November 2015, Climate Strike of November 2015, Companies4Future, Companies for Future, CompaniesForFuture, Entrepreneurs4Future, Entrepreneurs for Future, EntrepreneursForFuture, Erik Christiansson, Farmers for Future, FFFD, First global climate strike, First Global Climate Strike, fourth global climate strike, Franziska Wessel, Friday For Future Movement, Fridays for Future, Fridays for Future Deutschland, Fridays for Future Germany, Fridays for Future Ireland, Fridays for future movement, Fridays for Future movement, Fridays for Future protests, Fridays For Future Strike, Fridays For Future Uganda, Fridays For Future Ukraine, Fridays For Future Virtual, Fridays for the Future, FridaysForFuture, FridaysforFuture NL, Global Climate Strike For Future, Global Climate Strike for Future, Global climate strike of 15 March 2019, Global Climate Strike of 15 March 2019, Global climate strike of 24 May 2019, Global Climate Strike of 24 May 2019, Global climate strike of 29 November 2019, Global Climate Strike of 29 November 2019, Global Climate Strike of 30 November 2015, Global climate strike of 30 November 2015, Global Climate Strike of March 2019, Global climate strike of March 2019, Global Climate Strike of May 2019, Global climate strike of May 2019, Global climate strike of November 2015, Global Climate Strike of November 2015, Global Climate Strike of November 2019, Global climate strike of November 2019, Global Strike for Future, Global student climate protest, Grève du Climat, Grève du climat, Ilmastolakko, Juventud por el clima, Juventud por el Clima, Klimastreik, Klimastreik Schweiz, Klimatstrejk, Kyra Gantois, Lausanne Climate Declaration, Linus Steinmetz, March 2019 global climate strike, March 2019 Global Climate Strike, Mary Ellis Stevens, May 2019 Global Climate Strike, May 2019 global climate strike, November 2015 Climate Strike, November 2015 climate strike, November 2015 Global Climate Strike, November 2015 global climate strike, November 2019 global climate strike, November 2019 Global Climate Strike, P4F, Parents4future, Parents for Future, Parents for the Future, Parentsforfuture, ParentsForFuture, Psychologists for Future, Psychotherapists for Future, Ragna Diederichs, Saturdays for Future, School climate action, school climate strike, School Strike 4 Climate, School Strike 4 Climate Action, School strike for climate, School strike for climate movement, School strike for the climate, School Strikes 4 Climate, school strikes for climate, School strikes for the climate, Schools 4 Climate Action, Schools Climate Action, Schools Climate Action Ireland, Schools Climate Action Network, Schoolstrikes4Climate, Schoolstrikes4Climate Ireland, Second Global Climate Strike, Second global climate strike, Skolstrejk for klimatet, Skolstrejk för klimatet, SMILE for Future, SS4C, Strike4Youth, Strike 4 Climate Action, Strike for Climate action, Strikes 4 Climate Action, Student climate protest, Student Climate Strike, Student climate strike, Students climate strike, Students Climate Strike, Students for Future, Summer Meeting in Lausanne Europe, Teachers for Future, United for a future, Writers for Future, Youth Climate Strike, Youth climate strike, Youth for Climate, Youth Strike 4 Climate, Youth strike to act on climate change, YS4C