Noun Named Entity
Categories: Deeds of Artemis, Hercules, Roman gods, Heracles, Olympian deities
Hercules  Heracles  Herakles  Alcides  Herculean
(classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality WordNet 3.0
(classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Hercules is the Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero Heracles, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmena. Wikipedia
Heracles, born Alcaeus or Alcides, was a divine hero in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, and the foster son of Amphitryon. Wikipedia
The Roman mythological analogue to the Greek Heracles Wikipedia Disambiguation
Roman adaptation of the Greek mythological hero Heracles. Wikipedia Disambiguation
Roman adaptation of the Greek divine hero Heracles Wikidata
The Roman name for the mythical Greek hero Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmena. OmegaWiki
Son of Zeus and Alcmene, a celebrated hero who possessed exceptional strength. Most famous for his 12 labours performed to redeem himself after killing his family. Wiktionary
The Roman name for the Greek divine hero Heracles, who was the son of Jupiter and Alcmene, a celebrated hero who possessed exceptional strength. Most famous for his 12 labours performed to redeem himself after killing his family. Wiktionary