Noun Concept
Categories: Molecular genetics, Articles with short description, Plant sexuality, Meiosis, Cellular processes
meiosis  miosis  reduction division  meiotic nuclear division  meiotic cell cycle
(genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number (leading to gametes in animals and spores in plants) WordNet 3.0
(genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number (leading to gametes in animals and spores in plants) WordNet 3.0 & Open English WordNet
Meiosis is a special type of cell division of germ cells in sexually-reproducing organisms that produces the gametes, such as sperm or egg cells. Wikipedia
One of the two nuclear divisions that occur as part of the meiotic cell cycle. Wikidata
Progression through the phases of the meiotic cell cycle, in which canonically a cell replicates via two nuclear divisions Wikidata
The two-stage process in sexual reproduction by which the chromosome number is reduced from the somatic to the haploid number. The first division, in which homologous chromosomes pair and exchange genetic material, is followed by amitotic division. The nucleus divides twice, but the chromosomes only once, generating haploid nuclei, which develop into the gametes (egg and sperm in animals; egg and s in plants). OmegaWiki
Cell division of a diploid cell into four haploid cells, which develop to produce gametes. Wiktionary
Cell division. Wiktionary (translation)
The first of the two divisions of meiosis, a type of cell division. Wiktionary