Noun Concept
Categories: Rhythmic gymnastics, Articles with short description, Summer Olympic disciplines
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Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon and rope. Wikipedia
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon and rope. Wikipedia
A sport that involves performing a floor routine to music, with the aid of either a ball, ribbon, hoop, clubs, or rope. Wikipedia Disambiguation
A form of gymnastics Wikipedia Disambiguation
gymnastics discipline in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus (hoop, ball etc.) accompanied by music Wikidata
A discipline of gymnastics where the gymnast manipulates one of five apparatuses (ribbon, ball, rope, clubs, hoop) in a rhythmic manner. Wiktionary
A discipline of gymnastics. Wiktionary (translation)