Noun Concept
Categories: Linear algebra, Matrices, Vectors (mathematics and physics)
column vector  row and column vectors  row vector  column matrix  column vectors
In linear algebra, a column vector with m {\displaystyle m} elements is an m × 1 {\displaystyle m\times 1} matrix consisting of a single column of m {\displaystyle m} entries, for example, Similarly, a row vector is a 1 × n {\displaystyle 1\times n} matrix for some n {\displaystyle n}, consisting of a single row of n {\displaystyle n} entries, Wikipedia
In linear algebra, a column vector with m {\displaystyle m} elements is an m × 1 {\displaystyle m\times 1} matrix consisting of a single column of m {\displaystyle m} entries, for example, Similarly, a row vector is a 1 × n {\displaystyle 1\times n} matrix for some n {\displaystyle n}, consisting of a single row of n {\displaystyle n} entries, Wikipedia
Single row or column matrices Wikipedia Disambiguation
1 × n matrix in linear algebra Wikidata
Linear algebra Wikidata
An n×1 matrix that represents a vector. Wiktionary
Matrix with one column that represents a vector. Wiktionary (translation)
A 1×n matrix that represents a vector. Wiktionary
Matrix with one row that represents a vector. Wiktionary (translation)