Noun Concept
Categories: Fishing nets, Citation overkill, Fishing techniques and methods, Fishing industry, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference
trawling  trawl net  dragged gear  Environmental effects of trawling  Environmental impacts of trawling
Trawling is an industrial method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net, that is heavily weighted to keep it on the seafloor, through the water behind one or more boats. Wikipedia
Trawling is an industrial method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net, that is heavily weighted to keep it on the seafloor, through the water behind one or more boats. Wikipedia
Type of fishing net; construction of nets dragged behind a ship through a sea allowing large-scale capturing of fish Wikidata
method of catching fish; principle by which netting bags are being towed in water to catch different species of fishes in their path Wikidata
principle by which netting bags are being towed in water to catch different species of fishes in their path Wikidata